two years

two years

thinking back to where i was two years ago on this week puts a big big big lump in my throat.
hudson had experienced his first seizure and life as i knew it took a complete turn.
being thrown right into making medical decisions we had never even heard of before - calling family/friends to help guide us and have a better understanding.
i can still hear the helicopter landing, matching the fast beating heart in my chest. preparing myself to let strangers fly him to the children’s hospital without me.
little did we know that our parenting journey into the rare life had just begun.
these years have held heart shattering and isolating pain while simultaneously lighting my world with the purest joy, light and love ive ever experienced.
it’s no coincidence that our neurologist reached out to me yesterday, on such a significant day, with his MRI results that we have been patiently waiting for.
she could have put it off until next week when we see her,
but she didn’t.
i didnt want to go there for selfish reasons.
to put a brave face on and conquer through the results on a traumatic anniversary that’s already super hard for me, but i knew i had to.
because it wasn’t about me.
two years ago, we learned of hudsons brain abnormalities that left us preparing our hearts in various ways for any difficult situation that may arise. abnormalities that we see specialists for other than our neurologist. it hasn’t been easy and much like learning about his ultra rare diagnosis, has left us navigating through the dark with a million unanswered questions while being fueled by faith.
so, i mean it when i say that our hearts were not exactly ready to learn that those significant abnormalities are now “gone” and “do not require any follow up” - i think his neurologist was just as shocked because she mentioned that in general certain things like this do not disappear, but here we are 🤍
a miracle of His healing.
how will this impact hudsons life?
i wish we had that answer,
but we will let God decide that.
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