time change + toddlers = wild

time change + toddlers = wild

💨 flying through week five..
and throw in a time change while you’re at it 😉

time change + toddlers = wild
time change + toddler + medication decrease = not enough coffee a pregnant mama can drink in a day

also, have you ever had to adjust medication because of time? it’s a real thing in our lives. some doctors will tell you that the medication has to be at the same time every single day or else, many say to decrease by 30 minute increments, and others give you an hour to make sure it happens. either way, you’re sitting there trying to figure out the real medicine time and the upcoming new medicine time, and what the heck time even is it right and when did he get it last night, like a math test story question when you were in junior high…you know the tricky ones that would make your palms sweat.

anyways..we are rocking with it, taking each day as it comes and hoping the same for all of you parents with littles.


so, last week hudson had an appointment that didn’t go as planned. hudson tears, mama tears, and the tech probably wanted to cry, too. it’s never fun having to be the person to hold down your baby as they scream when you are their person they run to for mama snugs, comfort, kisses and love. it’s absolutely gut wrenching. plus, we didn’t get the results we wanted, and it was another hard day of not knowing what those results will truly hold for hudsons life.

it’s a difficult wave to surf. we know various storms and waves will come into our lives because his diagnosis is rare and it’s complex, that’s the nature of it - we just never know how big or small they will be.

like this week, hudson will undergo an MRI so that his neuro can get a clear picture of his brain to compare to his last one that took place two years ago (they tried doing one while he was awake at ten months old and you can imagine how that process went 😅) this specific MRI will provide so much more knowledge but the whole process puts a mama at edge - the preparation, the new environment, the sedation, the results, the reaction to sedation while decreasing meds; all of it.

as we walk through these mountains we are kindly asking for your thoughts, kind words, and prayers - prayers that there are no new abnormal findings and the ones that we have been made aware of, we pray for healing, comfort, and guidance. may his arms of strength and protection wrap around hudson endlessly in remaining seizure free through this whole process.

this is a storm of the unknown that we have walked through for two years and continuously handed over to our powerful god, and we couldn’t have walked through it without you all. we believe in the power of prayer because we have witnessed miracles from it right in front of our eyes. thank you for following along in our journey, sharing encouraging words, sending love, supporting our family in difficult times, and most importantly, always praying with us.

we appreciate it more than you know.


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