the highs

the highs

we are creeping our way into week four of our medication decrease….

over halfway there!

this week we dropped one of hudsons doses down to the amount we initially started at, which puts this mama in her feels thinking back to where we started almost two years ago.

a journey that feels like it happened yesterday, but also a lifetime ago. one full of every single emotion wrapped up together, and all of them worth it to get to today.

to see hudsons light continue to shine through is an absolute blessing. we have gotten to share many more laughs, play time, curiosity, vocalizing his wants and needs, books read, increased strength in his body, discovering new things and allll the kisses and snuggles.

it’s a true testimony to witness gods powerful arms of protection, strength, and healing wrapped around him each and every day.


and i have to share my favorite highlight from last week…

we were at physical therapy with michelle and for awhile he has been working on climbing up, up, up the slide and then figuring out how to go down, down, down - it brings so much joy as the slide tickles his little belly! the smile is contagious and it’s easily known he enjoys thrill, so please pray for me

but, friday was different.

if you know hudson, you know he wants to do what he wants to do and maybe nothing else - who doesn’t?! and so, he walked his way over to the slide, climbed right up, up, up it, sat like the biggest boy, and went down, down, down….all. by. himself

just like we have been practicing. i can’t speak for michelle, but this mama was holding back a river of tears. we cheered and he smiled so big, like, did you just see that?!

we sure did.

the truth is, when we first started pt, the same little boy who just independently went up and down the slide wasn’t so sure of his body’s capabilities. we had absolutely no idea what the future held and still don’t! seeing those struggles while keeping your strength as a parent is really, really, really, really hard in the world of therapy. not many may share but it’s gut wrenching, it leaves the biggest lump in your throat having to witness it, and you just want to cry at times. you just wish you had this superpower to be able to just take away those struggles and difficulties they’re going through in the moment somehow.

but what ive learned is, you actually do. if you are a mama experiencing the hard, in the waiting, encouraging your baby’s strength every single day while spreading yourself thin, im here to tell you that you aren’t alone and you do hold a mama power for those difficult times and that my friend, is prayer.

its giving it to god and letting the rest go.

it’s his endless love, praising him through the hard, and what i like to call “mama snugs” full of his strength to wrap around my little boy to refuel and keep on going.


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