a big t h a n k y o u to everyone who donated to Seize The Day in 2023; you helped make our first year unforgettable.
the love and generosity you have poured into rare disease awareness and support fills our hearts with incredible joy. not only did you gift toward rare genetic research, specifically Chromosome 14 Deletion including PACS2 at a global and local level, but you have also helped create an amazing connection between medical mamas and supported them and their families through very tough emotional and financial moments right here in our own community.
we know that 2024 will continue to unfold to be just as amazing because of each of you.
the excitement is huge about the incredible opportunities waiting for this year!
here is how you can connect with us:
🫶🏼 like our facebook page and be in the know of upcoming awareness events
🫶🏼 kindly donate one time or reoccurring monthly:
🫶🏼 medical mama support:
🫶🏼 let’s pray together:
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