sliding into a new week

sliding into a new week

sliding our way into week three like…..

such joy was found last week.
we went to the brookfield zoo, tanners orchard, and camped all weekend with friends

it was busy in a very good way.
this week holds a bit more appointments than last but we plan to still fit in the fun!

what i’ve quickly learned during this medication transition is that its okay to be nervous or scared, but it doesn’t have to freeze you in isolating fear.

trust the One in control.
He led you to this moment for a reason.

& there is life to be lived,
in a way that works best for you.

you can have worry and still create joy.
you can hold concern and still shine light.
you can be fearful and still trust Him.


our family would also like to thank everyone who bought from our seize the day back to school fundraiser! we were able to raise $500 towards PACS2 Research - which is absolutely incredible and helpful for so many PACS2 warriors like hudson. you can learn more about their stories here:

t h a n k y o u always for your endless support and love.
we appreciate each of you.
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