his plan > ours

his plan > ours

“are you scared?”
“how will you do it?”
“are you crazy?”
“will she have the same genetic condition as hudson?”
the million dollar questions when you’re expecting and have a toddler with special needs.
here’s my answer:
His plan > our plan
if you know Him, you know that He equips the called.
think about it…if you could do it all on your own, it would be your “calling” and not God’s true calling FOR you.
  • babies are a blessing
  • we hand our worries to God
  • this child is God given
  • same genetic condition or not, she is fearfully & wonderfully made
  • in our home, love doesn’t count chromosomes
isaiah 58:11
the lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
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