god is making a way

god is making a way

🥾 exploring through week s i x

this week we no longer have the morning dose of medicine, which is a h u g e step forward.

all the happy tears.
next week will be our first week without it completely….🥹

our prayer was to have this transition behind us before his surgery at the end of this month, and god is making a way. a reminder that he is working, all. of. the. time.

many of you know that hudson is currently nonverbal, we aren’t sure if that will always be the case but we trust gods plan and are letting him lead the way. can we just tell you, communication is sooooo much bigger than speech! it’s been incredibly heartwarming to witness hudson use more sign language in a consistent way this week and seeing his expressive language grow to share his wants and needs. this has also helped ease some of his frustration in communicating; can you imagine knowing what it is you want, but not being able to express to someone what it is? so tough and frustrating. thankfully mamas hearts know best and that helps so much in situations like this because we share what i like to call a hidden language as we both continue to learn 🫶🏼

we cannot wait to see what god has planned for hudsons future as his little light keeps shining so bright.

we are coming for you, week seven.


prayer request;

sadly, this week we have been hit with a cold (tis the season) which brings out a little fear as illness is one of hudson’s seizure triggers, but we will continue to trust that he will carry us through. we are kindly asking for your prayers and good thoughts that he can remain seizure free through this illness and we can move forward as healthy as we can the rest of this month for his surgery. thank you so much for your kindness and love, always.

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